Monday, July 23, 2012

Welcome to Not Without My Gucci! This blog is a forum to discuss all things fashion (and entertainment) related. But I don't want this to be a traditional blog (has enough time passed that I can actually use the word traditional to describe a blog?). Let's make this a conversation. So please comment often!

I want to jump in and give you give the inside scoop on my new book. It's called Project Runway: The Show That Changed Fashion. It comes out this week, so no one has seen it yet. It's the official guide to the show, which will celebrate it's tenth season next week.

I worked with the creators and producers of the show to put this together. So fun! Just about everyone from the show participated, which was very cool. I met with Heidi Klum at her hotel to discuss the Introduction she wrote for the book and interview her. Before I tell you what happened, I will say that yes, she is amazingly beautiful (I am asked that more than anything else). So, I was in the hotel room and I nonchalantly mentioned to her that many of the contestants thought of her as the mean judge, thinking this was something she was aware of. But she wasn't!!! So I'm sitting there with her and a group of people with her, and I'm regretting saying a thing. She's being a really good sport about it, but still I'm thinking that she must see this as my opinion, rather than a fair question (since it has come up on the show!!!!!). Then one of her group googled it and mentioned that Heidi had been called Klum of Doom. I told her, "See! I didn't make it up!! I was never so happy for Google.

I'm looking forward to the new episodes. Doing the book I had to rewatch every episode from all nine seasons. Yes, it was actually my job to spend over 8 hours a day watching the Project Runway DVDs. Here are some of my favorite moments:

-Santino singing the Daniel Franco song
-Tim and Andrae at Red Lobster

-Michael Kors calling a contestant's outfit a disco straightjacket
-Ivy accusing Michael Costello of cheating and telling him to watch out for karma, and then getting stuck in the eye with a needle
-The very first challenge where Nora made a fabulous blue dress out a lawn chair, and Austin made an incredible corn husk dress
-Anything Anthony Williams did was pretty classic
-Zulema yelling at Kara Janx to cry and cut!
-Jay delivering mail

How about you? I'd love to hear some of your favorite moments from the show.

Can't wait to chat again!


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